in dental

Zagrebačka street 132
42000 Varaždin, Croatia
00385 42 241 222

Specialist practice of dental medicine for orthodontics Weber is situated in Varaždin and it provides services of complete dental therapy at one place.

We have our own, well known, family tradition of practicing dental medicine. But with the individual and professional approach and using the latest technology we can assure quality and quick service for each patient.


At our practice we do radiography of teeth with digital dental x-ray, which is one of the most important tools in dental diagnostics.

With a precise and accurate image, in only a few minutes we can diagnose a complete status of teeth and all structures inside the oral cavity.

Dental tourism

If you are out of your native country, we will enable you to get all the necessary medical examinations and treatments, all at accessible prices and with contemporary methods.

Along with saving money, there are many other reasons to visit Varaždin and other Croatian tourist destinations.