X-ray diagnostics

Digital dental x-ray
Children's orthopantomograph
Lateral radiograph (LL)
Other radiographic photography
Digital dental x-ray

We offer a digital tooth x-ray services, which is one of the most important tools in field of dental diagnostics.

In approximately ten minutes we are able to diagnose a complete x-ray status of your oral health; teeth of our orthodontic patients, problems such as caries, pathological processes around teeth roots (granuloma), parodonthitis, and also identify and determine condition and thickness of a bone when planning construction of implants.

For x-ray photography we use CRANEX® D Ceph, which is a direct digital panoramic and cephalometric system of the newest generation by a renown Finnish manufacturer SOREDEX. Digital CCD sensor enables a picture display in a real time with highly precise visibility of all structures and at the same time access to function of photography, examination and analysis of a picture.

Simple handling, funcionality, superior quality of diagnostics and shorter photography time thanks to intuitive digital technology are just several characteristics of this system.
The device produces minimal radiation and we are very careful and we strictly follow the rules of radiation protection.


Orthopantomograph or simply orthopan is panoramic x-ray image (radiograph) of the whole maxillofacial region – upper and lower jaw with surrounding structures, teeth, jaw bones, temporomandibular joints (TMJ) and sinuses.

High precision of a digital image enables access and insight of the complete oral condition and perceiving of more details and that way it completely replaces intraoral images of the individual teeth.

Ortophan image is necessary for work in orthodontics and implantology. It is the most important instrument for an early detection of tooth and surrounding structure diseases and with a right medical diagnostics it decides the most optimal therapy plan. Digital orthopan image, printed or on a transmission media, is immediately available for a patient.

Children's orthopantomograph
Children's orthopantomograph

Panoramic x-ray image that excellently adjusts to children's jaw geometry. It also clearly reveals and encompasses all jaw details, teeth position, possible anomalies, pathological processes, etc. Exposition time is shorter and the radiation field additionally diminished..

Lateral radiograph (LL)
Latero-lateral radiograph (LL)

Profile face image that is adjusted to a patient's morphology and in which all bone structures and soft tissues are clearly visible. Among other things, it is mostly used in planning an orthodontic therapy.

Other radiographic photography
Cephalogram, TMJ, others

We can also offer various other radiographic photography.