
Reasons for anomality correction
First orthodontics examination
Types of orthodontic appliances
Intraoral 3D scanner

Orthodontics is a specialty in the field of dentistry. It involves diagnostics, prevention and treatment of anomalies in emplacement and condition of teeth.

It deals with design of therapeutic devices for correction of anomalies and it analyzes and observes their biological and mechanical effect, all with following goal: to accomplish an individual, optimal conformity, functionality, aesthetics of a patient's smile and face and their psychosocial quality of life.

Reasons for anomality correction

Along with accomplishing aesthetics of a patient's smile and face, the most important reason for the correction of anomalies, where there is a need for therapy, are swallowing and speech disorders, as well as prevention of dental caries, periodontal illnesses, traumas and disorders of temporomandibular joints.

After diagnosing the anomaly level and considering the level of aesthetics dissipation and the motivation of a patient concerning the approach of treatment and cooperation, the orthodontist makes an individual and optimal therapy plan for each patient.

What is visible when arranging and planning an individual therapy, is cooperation of orthodontics and other fields of dental medicine and medicine – periodontology, implantology, oral surgery, prosthetics, but also phoniatry and logopeadics (speech pathology).

First orthodontics examination

A child should be brought to an orthodontics examination at the age of five. We will examine the patient, we will suggest an early therapy or, if needed, postpone the beginning of therapy according to the age of the patient and considering the anomaly. After the first examination, we will suggest a time date for an x-ray of all teeth – orthopantomography.

Also, it is important to say that there is no age limit for an orthodontics therapy. That means that adults can also receive that therapy.

Types of orthodontic appliances

Types of orthodontic appliances are: mobile and fixed, active and passive, mono-maxillary and bi-maxillary, intraoral and extraoral, and teeth, tissue and osseous bearing.

At an early age, the interceptive orthodontic therapy is used: vestibular plate, a slant.

Mobile orthodontic appliances

Mobile orthodontic appliances can be monomaxillary and bimaxillary. Such appliances are worn during the night and for a few hours during the day and they are removable. For correction of inter-jaw musculature, activators and bionators are applied, and for correction within teeth arches active plates are applied.

Fixed orthodontic appliances

Basic parts of an fixed orthodontic appliance are: brackets, bands, archwires and ligatures, that connect the arch with brackets and, depending on a patient's wish, can be transparent or colored. At our orthodontic practice we use the bracket systems of the highest quality, such as aesthetical zephyr brackets, white brackets with a metal slot, white acrillic brackets and metal brackets.

QUAD HELIX is a fixed orthodontic appliance which has the function to make the palate wider (when there are anomalies present), with compression in the upper jaw and at crossbite, so the upper jaw becomes wider.

HEADGEAR or facial arch is a fixed orthodontic appliance which has the function to distalize first upper permanent molars at patients with protrusion of the upper jaw and at patients who lost their milk teeth too early.

DELAIRE FACE MASK is a fixed orthodontic appliance which has the function of emphasizing the sagittal growth of the upper jaw.

Orthodontic retention appliance

After removing the fixed orthodontic appliance, the final and a very important step is something called retention.
There are special transparent mobile retainers that can be removed, and a fixed wiry retainer that is not visible and it is glued to the inner side of teeth.

Intraoral 3D scanner

Our office proudly offers the latest technology in dentistry, including the Cameo Elegant 3 3D dental intraoral scanner.

This state-of-the-art equipment allows us to create extremely accurate digital models of your teeth and gums, which can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating customized dental restorations and planning orthodontic treatment.

Cameo Elegant 3 is completely non-invasive and provides a more pleasant experience for our patients compared to traditional methods of taking impressions. The high degree of precision and detail provided by the Cameo Elegant 3 allows us to provide the best possible care for our patients.